June 9, 2005
I love Naples!
I am so in love with the area of Naples! It was so beautiful and clean looking. We went to the beach (me and sunscreen and cover ups and an umbrella) and all the way out all you could feel was sand under your feet-IT was fantastic! We all had a great time and we are all 100% certain that we want to move back to florida.
It was the most fun I have had in a long time-it was a hard trip but so worth it. It was nice to just forget about everything even if it was only for a short time.
Then had to come home go back to work and reality and that was not so great. I ended up in the hospital again and they said my thyroid had bottomed out? I am still confused on what that means but all I know is I was really sick. They also dx'd me with "unstable" angina. That was what sent me to the ER-I thought I was having a heart attack. Talk about scary and panicked feeling. Wow. Now I have to go have a stress test. I am thinking-I have alot of stress so it should be easy to pass a stress test-LOL.
Other than that not alot has been going on-the kids are out of school for the summer and my daughter turns 14 on tuesday-where does the time go? When I was younger I used to think I would never "grow up" now it seems like I can not slow time down. My kids it seems are appreciative of being young though, they seem to be in no hurry to grow up and be saddled with all the responsiblities that come with adulthood. I guess that is the difference in growing up in an abusive household versus an non-abusive household. I could not wait to grow up and get away from my parents-so it is reaffirming to me that my kids do not seem to be in a huge hurry to do so-must be doing something right :)
As a parent I guess you always second guess yourself, and I think you do more so when you have achronic illness simply because you wonder if you are cheating your kids out of "normalcy". But really when you think about it the definition of normal is pretty broad. What seems normal in one home is definitely abnormal in another.
Anyway heres hoping we all have a safe, healthy summer :)
Keep smiling and namaste :)
Posted by Lisa on June 9, 2005 5:16 PM