May 03, 2005
Today is the day
Today at 2 is my interview with BCBS. I hope I get it. I ended up in a major arguement yesterday with my supervisor and a co-worker, who said they are not taking away responsibilities I had before they are trying to reduce the stress on me so as not to cause me to flare.
I said the right thing to do would have been talk to me and see what I thought I could handle first instead of treating my like I was incapable of anything. I explained that this has caused alot of hard felings on my part to the point that I am searching for other employment. Mt boss was very surprised. She said she had been trying to help me not hurt me. I told her she had helped me-helped me right out of the respect I had prior to leaving, helped me feel incompetent, helped me look incapable-I told her she had indeed helped me in alot of ways. That was not the type of help she meant but that is the type she has caused. I advised them yesterday that I will problay be turning in my notice sometime soon and she said they would not accept it. I told her they can not refuse it. This job I am interviewing for today is so much better with room for advancement and with no one knowing I have lupus. I will be treated just like everyone else and hopefully I can keep the flares at bay.
I know my life has to change and it has changed alot, but I also have to have something to hold onto to give me faith that it may not always be this bad. I do not know if that makes sense to anyone or not.
Anyhow-WISH ME LUCK today and I will update this evening if for no other reason than to say how the interview went.
Posted by Lisa on May 3, 2005 04:13 AM
Good Luck, Lisa!!!! Better times are ahead, I know it!!
Posted by: CathVT at May 3, 2005 06:17 AM
Hey Lisa,
Been reading up and all thats going on with you. I have to say, most of what I have read has been very positive. I know sometimes you sound at whits end. But for the most part you are fighting. And thats a very good thing. I wanted to wish you good luck on your interview. Dont be nervous. Im sure you will do just fine. And, just a little info. dont be too worried about the codes, you will be using.. I was in medical billing for like 6 months. Most of the programs that support the codes are very easy to work with. Basically you can actually type in the words and the code comes up. And then after you are doing it for a while they just come off the top of your head. But studying them, can give you a little heads up.
take care, looking forward to seeing how things go today. Good Luck!!! and Go For It!!!
Love ya Lisa
Posted by: Lisa at May 3, 2005 10:32 AM
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