May 1, 2005
Sunday evening coming down
Today is sunday. My husband went to take Sean back to Fairmont and I am studying for scool. This past week has been so hectic that I can not seem to get any time to study at all, so I have been trying to all dy today, but when you have brain fog-that is too hard trying to cram everything into one day.
Tuesday is the day for my job interview so I am really excited about that. Nervous but excited.
My son had a soccer game yesterday and his team lost but they did good so who could get too upset?
Except the coach-boy he has a big mouth-I wish I could yell that loud-LOL
It has been rainy and damp here for several days so I have been in pain and miserable to boot. I am just waiting for the weather to break and I hope against hope it is warm and not damp on the day of my interview.
Not alot to say about this weekend-it went too quick and my husband and I have gotten along fantastic so that is exciting for me.
He volunteered to take my sons friend home and to go to the grocery store and to make the trip to fairmont so I could stay home and catch up on my studying so that was really sweet and I appreciate it so much.
If I do not update later it will probaly be Tuesday after my interview efore I do.
Everyone please keep your fingers crossed for me-I WANT this job so badly.
Keep smiling :)
Posted by Lisa on May 1, 2005 12:31 PM