April 7, 2005
Back back back to work again :)
Went to my doc this morning and she has agreed to let me go back to work. I am excited to go back but also a little apprehensive since it has been a month and a half. Alot has changed over there while I have been out and there have been numerous problems within my department so it will be a switch from the quiet life I had been leading. My doc is not sure that I will be able to handle it but she wants to let me try since I have been bugging her for three weeks now to let me go back.
I can not remember if I updated that I went back to school but if I did then it is not news. I have taken 7 tests so far and scored between a 95 and 100% on each one so that is exciting for me.
My kids are adjusted wonderfully to living in a different area and different schools and things seem pretty good. It will be better once I get back to work as financially we should not be in as much of a bind as we have been lately.
Being off this long though, has given me alot of time to reflect on the direction of my life and where I want it to go versus where it is. I am no longer content with the status quo of my life and am working hard to change various aspects of it. One thing living with lupus has taught me is that stress is no good for anyone and even worse for people with an illness like lupus. Stress can trigger a flare quicker than any virus can. And I have to do whatever it takes to limit the amount of abnormal stress in my life. To that end I have made a decision that I never thought I would make and that is if there are not some serious changes at my job I will start looking elsewhere for employment. I have been at my current postion for five years and I am not the type to get angry because I do not get my way and quit a job but there is a difference between not getting my way and being walked on. There is nothing wrong with standing up for myself as long as I do not step on anyone in the process.
I am going to have to go back to the doc at the Cleveland Clinic but I am ok with that since he is such a wonderful doctor.
Most of the decisions I have reached during my time off are work-related and I am excited to go back and put them into action. I do feel very optimistic about making these changes to my business life and hope that the outcome is the way I envision it to be.
Keep smiling :)
Posted by Lisa on April 7, 2005 9:56 AM