April 1, 2005

April Fools Day

Happy Aprils Fools Day!
It has been raining here all day long and miserable. The cold and the damp make me hurt twice as bad as a "normal" day.
I am hoping to get back to work soon as my finances can not take any more time off. It is a catch twenty-two-the doc wants me off work so that I can focus on getting better, the utilities do not care that I am unwell, they want money, I can not get better unless I reduce the stress in my life, I can not reduce the stress when there is less income-a vicious circle indeed.

I have been atempting to get my associates degree in health care management and so far my GPA is 4.0-yipee yipee!! That is exciting for me. I have decided after I get my degree, I am going to continue to advance my education and go for my masters in business administration. My husband was afraid that would be stressful for me but one thing I have always loved is learning so this is exciting and not taxing on me.

One of the reasons I chose health care management to get the associates degree in is the amount of hoops one has to jump through any time they are dealing with health care issues-I have decided I want to be part of the solution instead of complaining about the problem.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter, mine was not too bad. We went to my fathers house and it was nice to be there as a guest and not a resident :) This was my first trip back out there since we had to live there and I think it was good to give them and me the space we needed so it was a pleasant visit.

I am tired and have alot to do tommorow just wanted to do a quickie update.

Keep smiling :)

Posted by Lisa on April 1, 2005 7:45 PM


Dear Lisa - So glad to hear from you. Been waiting for an update. When is your next visit to the clinic for tests? If your doctor truly feels it is in your best interest not to work, can't you apply for disability and receive some financial support from the government? If you have been working so hard, paying in your taxes, maybe it is a time for you to let them give you this time for your body to get well and help finance your recouperation. Well, it's just a thought. I know we don't want to think of ourselves as "disabled" in the beginning, and fight it tooth and nail, but this may be the best thing for you right now. It does not mean you are disablied for life, but you have the right in your condition, with doctors' orders, to go on disability right now. Just promise you'll give it a thought. In recouperation, time is necessary along with life style change and management. And gettting "out" of a flare up is as much hard work as staying in remissions between flare ups. Maybe all you will be able to do is be a student for a while. But if changing jobs and getting more training is in your best interest, you may even be able to get government help in paying tuition for your higher education. It's just a thought or another idea to throw your way. Anyway, glad to see you're back on your blog. And wishing you the best. Glad to hear you were able to go and visit your Dad, having now been in your own new homestead for a while. It must have been very interesting for all of you. Hugs,

Posted by: Cath at April 2, 2005 1:53 PM

It is wise to Never close a door until you are absolutely positive you have nothing to learn from it. In search of something else, I came across your website and your comments about the claims the woman made on the given website. http://www.lupusnewhope.com/ Personally, I know about glyconutrients and in that short time, I have seen AMAZING things. I hesitate to say miracles, because it is simply how your body is made to work. Glyconutrients are not a cure, they give your body the "tools" it needs so it can heal itself. It consists of 8 monosaccharide sugars -Thats it! They exist on every one of your cells already. These sugars work on the cellular level and with them, your body can efficiently communicate what the problem is. Autoimmune, overactive and underactive immune diseases are simply the result of insufficient communication. Theres no sales pitch about it.. No one makes money off of you.. Its about you and helping people who are in need. If you have cells, you are in need. It is absolutely necessary for all, even the "healthy". My point being, it may hurt you to always assume someone is out to get you. Do some research, the information and resources are infinate and increasing daily. Over 70,000 THIRD party peer reviewed articles have been published thus far. (its even in the Physicians Desk reference, and Harpers Biochemistry book) No one wants to push it down your throat, but really you have no valid argument. If you would like to stay sick, and are satisfied with the quality of life that brings, than stay sick and stay close minded- the world does not care, and you know that. I and many doctors I know have not come across a single case which glyconutrients did not help. Feel free to email me, I would be glad to answer any questions you have. Thank YOU for your time.

Maggie Rowden

Posted by: Maggie Rowden at April 6, 2005 8:33 PM

Maybe Maggie would like to share her story for all those reading this blog to read. A very succinct mini bio of her illness and how these cellular sugars helped. What was her age when she first was aware of periods of unwellness, and what it was said to be by doctors. Her present age, and what happened before and after her use of these products. What type of improvements she herself has realized [physically herself,for how long, and how long she has been asymptomatic of whatever she had, etc. I think that if she is really concerned in helping others, a mini, factual accounting would be more helpful than any generalities. As many autoimmune diseases have periods of remission, it is important to talk about giving our bodies what they need in general, but also to clarify whether or not she feels this is a cure, for what, and how long it has worked for her. We can all benefit to open our minds when presented with succinct information. And many differnt diseases, or states of unwellness, can benefit by help from many different angles. I have lived with my own autoimmune disease for 52 years and tried all kinds of alternative therapies, which may have made me feel better when in remission, but never succeeded in stopping flare ups of my disease. Would be very happy to hear anything Maggie would like to share, but specifics would be more helpful in this case to fellow readers of this blog.

Posted by: CathVT at April 7, 2005 4:36 PM