March 3, 2005

I feel good :)

A little James Brown anyone? LOL-I feel good and I knew that I would, I am having a good day, I feel good I feel like I will overcome the worst of these flares and I am feeling very optimistic today. I think I have caught up on some rest and that helps aswell as being able to work at home even if it is only for a few hours-I at least feel like I am being productive.

You know sometimes life is just hard-regardless of medical conditons or anything life just gets hard sometimes. I had a very good friend his name was Hans and he used to tell me some people were just too sensitive to live in this world as crazy as it gets. I think there is alot of truth in that. He committed suicide being one of the too sensitve to make it-this happened about ten years ago but I still think about im and that remark when life gets too hard. Life in itself is hard and when you have lupus or any other chronic medical condition it is easy to get caught up in it and let it define you-but today I am saying lupus does not define me it will not define me and I will stillfind things that I can do and enjoy and I will still suck every bit of life out of my life. I think I have reached a place of acceptance and am now ready to move forward and find a way to be me again just sowing the disease the respect it deserves but not allowing it to take over my entire life.

Keep smiling :)

Posted by Lisa on March 3, 2005 10:20 AM


Right on, Lisa. I think your last sentence said it all. You've discovered all that you need to know now for a happy, fulfilled life. As I used to say, once you befriend your "enemy" and learn from it, you can walk side by side with the wolf, but maintain your own true identity, which is totally apart from the disease. I'm sooooo happy for you. I know how liberating it felt when I reached this point, myself. It was a huge power struggle that took many years, but you can come out the winner when you find out the secret!!!! Isn't it great?

Posted by: Cath at March 4, 2005 1:55 PM