February 11, 2005


Today is friday!! Today is my short day at work!! Today I am celebrating! I actually am not as cheerful as all of that may sound, I hurt my foot really bad this morning and it is still throbbing-rammed my foot into the wall at home-OUCH-but you will have that.

On tuesday I go back to the rhuematologist and then on wednesday I go to my doctor. My doctor and I agree that this rhuematologist is not good for me but we are going to give him another chance as the only other option is driving far away, so we will try one more time with him. He is not personable at all and it may sound dumb but I need a doctor that I feel is interested in me as a person not as a clinical situation that coupled with the fact that he acted like I do not know my own body and he does after only 15 minutes did not get us off to a great start so hopefully it will go better this time around.

My home phone will be on monday so that is good and my life is finally starting to get settled down to something resembling normal after so long of being messed up.

I was reading an article about living well with lupus and it struck me that the person writing it either has a mild form or does not have lupus and wrote the articfle simply on research alone. Far be it from me to criticize anyone who is trying to help people with this illness, however I think when you advise someone to try relaxtion techniques for debilitating pain-you are off the mark. I tried to tough out the pain in the beginning and realized I could not do it-I do not deserve to be made to feel "less than" because I can not do it without strong narcotics. I have a job, children, pets and a life. The narcotics have done wonders for my quality of life and I do not care anymore what anyone says-if it was not for them I would spend every waking moment in tears-why should anyone live like that when there are other options out there? That is simply my opinion however as someone who suffers from psoriatic arthritis as well as lupus I think I am qualified to give my opinion on pain meds.

Anyway I am sure I will update later-have a great weekend and keep smiling :)

Posted by Lisa on February 11, 2005 9:11 AM