February 10, 2005

TB tests are bad for me?

As you may or may not remember on Tuesday I took my kids for a TB test at the health department-it was a requirement of their new school, anyway, a dear friend who reads this blog emailed me concerned about me being around the children after this test. I called my doctor and she said I could be around them but I could not clean up any blood from them or drink after them or in anyway exchange fluids of any kind. So when my sons bled I gave him a napkin (we were in the car) and I told him to throw it away at the school since we were headed there. At no time did I touch it after handing it to him-this morning I took the kids back for the results which were negative and the nurse asked me about the lupus and if I knew not to be around the kids AT ALL. I advised her what my doctor said and she still proceeded to tell me that I should not have been around my kids at all. I do not know if that is true and I do trust my doctors advice over a nurse but I wanted to put this in here for any who may be reading this. If you have lupus you can not be exposed to any live vaccine from what I am hearing or it can trigger a severe flare, so please use caution and thank you Cathrine for your concern and prompting me to call my doctor as I did not know that.

Keep smiling :)

Posted by Lisa on February 10, 2005 09:23 AM


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