February 24, 2005
Sales Pitches, Lies and other Falsehoods
I have lupus, I have psoriatic arthritis, my muscles hurt, my joints ache, my body does not feel like my own and you know what-I WILL keep all of it because I am a good person inside. I have not changed personality wise, sense of humor wise, and being good hearted and kind have always been things I am known for. The reason for this is not to brag about what a great person I am-it is to comment on a comment someone made on this site.
http://www.lupusnewhope.com/ This is an ad basically. This ad is written by a real person not a company and she is basically in my opinion trying to make money off of people who feel they have no hope and feel that it can not hurt to try something else. I am strongly advising anyone out there who reads this SEE YOUR DOCTOR before you try anything you read about or hear about on the web-even someone with good intentions (unlike Pam Murphy) can accidentally cause you more problems than you need.
I listed the meds I am on to give you an idea of what my day is like-I have not advised anyone to take anything-that would be irresponsible of me and I have to remember that anyone reading this is looking for insight and hope and that is a huge responsibility that I try to take very seriously.
I posted this link on a message board that has some very wise, compassionate people on it and got their feedback before addressing it here as I do not want to be the cause of someone elses misery.
I was very angry that someone is trying to profit off of someone elses misery, and I can not chalk it up to human nature as I believe most humans are kinder and more caring than that-I will not let one bad apple take away my fundamental belief in my fellow mankind but I will always make it known that that kind of somment is not welcome here-those types of liks are not welcome here and if you decide to act irresponsibly with your own health it is your choice-I HOPE you do not.
At first I thought that in my typical way I was over reacting however having been reassured by several fellow lupies that I am not overreacting, I do feel a sense of obligation to comment on it on my blog. It is a shame that a health blog would be the target of a con artist trying to make a few bucks off someone who already feels lousy and unless independently wealthy prior-is financially struggling under the strain of this illness but the truth is a friend of mine called it needing to be more cyber-wise (apparently this is similiar to street wise according to her) and I am not at this point very cyber wise-so I am trying to back track and undo any damage that may have been done.
Thank you for your time and remember-keep smiling :)
Posted by Lisa on February 24, 2005 8:41 AM
Well said.
Posted by: Cath at February 25, 2005 1:22 PM
I am sorry you feel that way. I am also sorry to have to point out to you, that YOU are the one hurting people. Your comments about me and my site could prevent many people from getting the help they need. Four years ago when people sharing information about glyconutrients came to the lupus board I frequent, I said the same things about glyconutrients and the people sharing information about them, that you have said about me.....it wasn't until I did my due diligence, reviewed the very real scientific validation for them and actually tried them....that I realized how wrong I had been.....and how I may have hurt people by my narrow minded attitude. Everything I say on my site is true. Also I used glyconutrients with my doctors knowledge and he titrated my lupus med as I began to feel better. I would expect anyone to discuss using glyconutrients with their doc in addition to researching the topic thoroughly.
You may email me anytime if you have questions.....Pam
Posted by: Pam Murphy at February 26, 2005 6:35 PM
Pam Oh more yuck from you
You and I have know each other through forums for several years now. I'll assume that you are sincere and believe what you say.
That is not the point.
I used to have some respect for you but no longer. This latest episode is yet another example of your total lack of respect for fellow sufferers, your ready callousness and lack of scruple about causing them harm directly and indirectly.
Your pushing this dietary supplement, claiming as good as cure, by using health forums is deeply offensive.
If somebody says they are offended you need to respect that, and not start telling them *they* are causing harm by not supporting your efforts!
It's outrageous.
You started this by your advertising
Do you or do you not reap a financial reward ?
Support forums are for support given freely.
Your claims about "scientifically validated" are complete bunkum as anybody with the right sort of knowledge can prove.
Who do you think you are kidding ?
Do you take us for idiots? My "due diligence" is at least as good as yours.
I know what your RN friend did - she went onto a pediatric forum and suggested that parents were harming their chidren by letting them take *toxic* medications & advocating fruit sugars instead.
Would you like to deny that ?
So, children and adults with APS, NeuroPsychiatric lupus ( seizures, crippling movement disorders, psychosis for example ) and kidney failure can be treated by fruit sugars ?
If that is what you think, then say it outright.
How dare you start insulting people who object to your theories.
If this is the effect of glyconutrients on the moral and ethical sensibilities, I would rather take the lupus anyday and maintain my integrity.
Doesn't it ever cross your mind that you must have got it wrong when so many good people have told you how they feel about your present activities?
Why do you force it down people's throats when they tell you they don't want to know.
I know how many doors have been closed to you.
Is everybody wrong except you and others of your ilk ? You know what that's called don't you.
Don't try to make it all right by assuming martyr status, prophet crying in the wilderness sort of thing. That makes you all the more despicable in my opinion.
I wonder if you'll let us know if lupus strikes again. Of course I hope it doesn't.
I always wonder why there are no testimonials from the people who gave up their medicines and put their trust in glyconutrients only to find they detriorated. Could it be because they are in fact dead ?
Pharmaceuticals are trialled and undergo rigorous examination by FDA before they can be marketed.
It's against federal law to claim that dietary supplements can diagnose treat, cure etc diseases
Isn't that what you're doing ?
You make me sick
Posted by: Clare at February 27, 2005 12:04 PM
Dear Clare and Cath
I say right there on the website that glyconutrients are NOT a cure.
I do not present them in any way shape or form as a cure.
If you want to do your due diligence and truly research the facts....then go to the website and fill out the form and you will get a series of emails which will give you the facts....
Or you could read the book "Sugars That Heal" by Dr Emil Mondoa.
Clare, my RN friend said that pharmaceuticals are toxic and hurtful....and that is the truth...she did not advocate parents denying their children drugs....she did advocate supporting the childrens health with glyconutrients. Glyconutrients have been known to improve the efficacy of pharmaceuticals. Especially in cancer treatment. By the way, at last years Mannatech World convention in Dallas I met a family with three kids who have cystic fibrosis.....they are on glyconutrient supplementation.....no harmful drugs....and are digesting their food well and do not have lung problems..... go to www.miraclesugars.net for more testamonials.
I will not continue the conversation here .....if you research the subject and have questions....you may email me and i will be happy to answer your questions.
By the way Clare....I used to respect you a whole lot more too....You give much good information to fellow lupies. I thought you were a person who researched a subject before slamming someone. I know that what I am doing is right. I've read the literature.
Wishing you wellness and joy....
Posted by: Pam Murphy at February 27, 2005 3:36 PM
Duane, that is very interesting. May I ask for your research into this? You see, I'm not a doctor or digestive expert, so I'll need to ask for research to substantiate your claims, just as you ask for research on the products in question. You sound very knowledgeable, so I'm sure you can provide it. I refer to your statement that only two of these short chain sugars can be absorbed and the others are just fermented in the large intestine. I look forward to seeing your research links.
Posted by: Corey at April 25, 2005 3:11 PM
If you don't think the pharmeceutical companies are profiting from your illness, think again shweet-heart. Drugs get passed all of the time that are known to be extremely dangerous, and the results are hidden. We've seen this repeatedly in the news over the last few months. The only 'cures' are in the natural things that are on the earth - we just have to figure out where and what. Hypocrates, the father of medicine was a herbalist. Isn't it ironic that doctors take 'Hypocritical oaths', and then get you to eat drugs and call herbs bunk? All drugs are toxic, they don't get approved unless they kill the lab animals in order to establish a toxicity level.
If you want to see SCIENCE unrelated to any company about this stuff do a search for "glycobiology" and "glycomics" and you will see scores of symposiums and research colleges (some US Universities now have medical colleges dedicated to the study of glycomics).
Your doctor doesn't know? No big surprise, how old is he? How long has it been since he graduated? Believe me pharmaceutical companies are taking notice, and trying to synthetically replicate what the glyconutrients are so that they can patent them and sell the toxic synthetic counterpart to you for $100 a pill...
And Duane - the company can't and won't provide you with those research articles, and will not do those research articles so that they can keep their product in the realm of nutrition and out of the classification of 'drug'. They can't kill any lab animals with this stuff cuz its non-toxic - so drug approval is impossible.
Duane=Corey??? lol
Posted by: Joy at June 8, 2005 11:57 PM
If telling people the truth about your recovery through correct suplimentation of glyconutrients is considered to be a type of advertising, then the same rule applies for anyone who has recovered from Kemo, all so called traditional and accepted therapies of one type or another etc. Glyconutrients work. People are passionate about their health. I tell you that even if you forced them to be silent, the stones themselves would start shouting... M.C. Statham...
Posted by: matthew at July 9, 2005 5:25 PM
Hi to Lisa and Duane and all,
Have you had the courage to try glyconutrients? It is beyond the far reaches of my understanding that you can and slam something that you know so little about, when it is harmless in the least, and has helped so many people improve from their conditions. You guys must be so angry to be so defensive, and I don't really blame you. But, it is worse to give no hope than to give false hope. Lucky for so many people who have used glyconutrients from Mannatech, and in spite of the people who pull up "facts" about how it can't be what it it claims or do what it claims, it actually does!! The get better! Oxford University has a whole department devoted to the new science of glycobiology, and there are dozens of sites that present accurate scientific data about glyconutrients. I found them as I was looking for the validation that I felt I needed before pursuing using or distributing them. What really convinced me? People that I spoke with who have used them and have heard nothing but great things about them from others who used them. Facts are words on paper, but results are in peoples lives. This is why after so many years of "advertising and profiting" how wonderful medications are, and how lame it sounds that nutritional deficiencies can cause the illness in the first place, there is such a reversal in their positions. They have seen that people use what is true and really works, and demand more of it. Even kids cereals are now boasting that the use whole grain and less sugar, after years of saying that they were not harmful in any way. Now there is a market worth slamming, and who are really doing people harm... children's advertising! All advertising!! I have seen great changes in one of my children , who has been using glyconutrients for two and a half months. Her moods are better, she is more reasonable to deal with, and she is not over reacting to the smallest normal irritations in life. Her coarse, thick hair is growing in now with a softer texture. Good things are really happening! I have no shame in recommending these to anyone, nor from profiting from them. Some corporation somewhere is always making a profit from a product. I am just a middle man. If they didn't work, people wouldn't keep buying them. I never tell people that they cure anything, nor does any one of the wonderful people that I've met in this business, because they do not. They help your body to work correctly, and when it does, it heals itself. This is a new and strange concept for our mind to grasp, but it's nothing new to our bodies, which are continually looking for healthy fuel. I have met nothing but great, caring people who balance their love of helping people feel better with making some income from it. So, my point is, don't get stuck in your paradigm. It's easy to do. Why don't you use it for six months and see if iot doesn't help? Then you can really write and accurate response!
Posted by: Cathy Szymanski at July 11, 2005 7:06 AM
The one comment I found stunning on this site was the declaration in Sales Pitches, Lies and other Falsehoods of "I was very angry that someone is trying to profit off of someone else’s misery". Wait a minute, isn't that what Merk, Phizer et. al. do on a daily basis? Please can anyone out there engage their brain for just a few nano seconds. Where is everyone’s common sense when it comes to your own health? Where is the personal responsibility? Out the window apparently. If you have one of these interesting autoimmune diseases all you have to do is ask of your doctor these three very basic questions; what causes an auto immune disorder, why is my body attacking itself, how can you reverse it. The answer I got and you will get too is we don’t know, we don’t know and we don’t know. OK then, something else is going on, wouldn't you agree? So why rag on someone who may be onto something? My personal experience with all this clap trap negative pounding has been that many people for some twisted reason want to become their disease and are annoyed when you don’t buy into it. Or maybe its just more comfotable to become a drug company statistic like Richard Pryor. Maybe instead it would be more profitable to LISTEN with an open mind instead of the pre-programmed ones that some of you here are so proud of.
Posted by: Richard at December 11, 2005 11:37 AM
For one thing ,glyco products
can be digested.All you do is
take good old lecthicin to aid
in digestion.Also A high quality product containing all 8 sugers, when ingested
will cause your bone marrow to release stem cells.These little jewels can rebuild you.It is proven.Do more research before you form an opinion.
Posted by: Gary Allen at February 12, 2006 7:13 PM