January 5, 2005
Meds for breafast anyone?
I am currently on what seems to me a staggering amount of daily medicines.
I am on 20 mgs of prednisone
400 mgs of plaquenil
900 mgs of neurontin
500 mgs of lodine (twice a day)
20 mgs of lexapro
7.5 lortab (as needed)
40 mgs oxycontin (twice a day)
5 mgs of klonopin
50 mcgs of synthroid (overactive thyroid disorder)
and just recently came off a 50 mg duragelsic patch for pain
The first nine meds I listed I have to take when I open my eyes and then I have to wait for them to "kick" in before I can attempt to get out of bed.
One of my new favorite saysings is-"try to spend at least 45 minutes each morning doing one sit-up." LOL
Posted by Lisa on January 5, 2005 6:56 PM
Sometimes, I'll tell a friend that I just slept for 12 hours. They often comment, "Well, I wish everyone had the time to do that! You must feel great!" I don't think they understand that I really slept for 10 hours, off and on, and then took the next two hours just to get out of bed. And I'm still tired. Thanks for bringing up the sleep issue.
Posted by: Cath at January 13, 2005 11:36 AM