July 23, 2004

How Hormones Can Affect Epilepsy

Well, I got a call from that first hospital to go their Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU), where they decrease meds so they can observe you having seizures. You are hooked up to an EEG and also on a video camera 24/7. This is to know where they need to operate.

I packed my clothes and other items to take so quick and then a few hours later got a call from that hospital informing me there was a problem with my insurance. Someone at this hospital told me when I was there several months ago that they would check into my insurance for me; little did I know that meant waiting 'til the last moment like this ! I don't remember the exact words, but I was out of their network, so my insurance would cover part of their costs....and he even stated that they were considerd a bit higher priced than other hospitals.
Well, keeping in mind I just recently went through bankruptcy....medical bills hanging over my head was not a pleasant thought (my lawyer wouldn't have been pleased either). And I knew none of these upcoming medical bills were going to be small ones !! My insurance company tried to help me out, but the hospital wasn't willing to "bend". I thought it would be the opposite. Nice to know my insurance company would be there for me.
I had to call my neurologist about this, he wanted me to try and get this hospital to work it out with insurance...I tried, but they weren't willing at all. So I got another option from him and got an appointment set up there !! I went yesterday and had a GREAT appointment with a new Neurologist for me there. I started out giving her my background, how my epilepsy/seizures started and how the most recent problems with Catamenials/hormones started. It seems like things are finally moving for me !! I will be going to the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit(EMU) at that hospital, here in Columbus where I live. I'll be there for about a week, decreasing my meds so they will hopefully see some seizure activity. They need to determine where it's happening. I'll be hooked uo to an EEG 24/7 and also will be on video cam 24/7. I'm going in a few weeks and she said all the tests for surgery will be done in six months ! If surgery is still an option for me, I want to wait 'til summer. I work in a school setting and my sick time is minimal due to that car accident 4 yrs. ago....never have been able to build it up....other things going on. It would be great to be ready and able to schedule it for the beginning of summer. That would give me lots of recovery time when I'm off work !!
I am still kind of in shock....finally have an idea when I could have surgery for all this...before it was hard to imagine. Most people have this type of surgery because of seizures....me I 'm looking into it because of my hormones that have wreaked havoc with my seizures. Makes a bit of a difference I think.

Another thing this doctor was willing to do for me is to put me on a med for depression !! I explained to her I felt like I was in a "constant low-level depresson" all the time and had been like that for a long time. My GP was afraid to put me on anything for it due to my seizure meds I just had to ask her about it !! She said that by the time people get there, a lot of them are depressed...and she put me on Lexapro....said there are minimal side effects and they usually stop after a few days. I think I can deal with that. (Not working right now,so can deal with a side effect or two!).
It will be so nice to keep you updated on how things go.
I just wish I didn't have to look into surgery...but it's the Catamenials/ hormones that have forced me to. I just can't imagine living my life like this forever. I have no control over it at all. I was telling them how someone online asked me what I liked to do in my free time and I really had to think about it...........that really hit me, that I shouldn't have to think about it and I knew why I did....I was so used to driving where I wanted to go, when I wanted to! When I was out and about I'd find out about other thing I liked....never got bored !! I'm starting to hate my home now...that's not good !! When I was explaining that to the doctor (and two students who were observing with my permission), I couldn't finish what I was saying without being interrupted by someone else (person who took me there).. I don't think they wanted to hear what I was saying, you know...it wasn't the most "pleasant" thing I suppose, but I was being honest to this doctor and it was my time with the doctor, although I appreciated them helping because they can also give good info on my seizures that I can't.

Posted by Rhonda on July 23, 2004 10:59 AM