July 12, 2004
First Entry :)
Well, I am not really sure where to start. I guess I could go through where I've been so far with bulimia. I have had it for about 4 years now... It started off as just a few times a month and is now at being an everyday thing. I would not wish this upon even my worst enemy. It controls every aspect of your life... every day, the first thought on my mind is about my weight. everything I do correlates to food and weight. I was anorexic for a while, but somehow it turned to bulimia. I really want to beat this... I hate it, but I want to do it without having to tell anyone because that is just how I am. I don't like to rely on other people for help. I like to do things myself. So, I guess this diary is going to be about my daily struggles with it and trying to get it out of my life. I will put in the ups and downs, everything about it because that way people can realize how terrible it is. It starts off as weight control and turns into being your life... So, day 1, Not doing so well so far. I already ate a lot and now I've got to purge it somehow unless I want to gain weight (which we all know I don't)... I am going to try to see how many days (or even hours) I can go get myself to go without b/ping (that's an easy way to write bingeing and purging) I am so ready to have this out of my life...
Posted by babygoddess100 at July 12, 2004 08:52 AM