July 11, 2004
My kids....
I really think that my kids are in a conspiracy to keep me from eating or sleeping. It never fails....if I am getting ready to have some dinner...my 23 yr old daughter magically knows what time I am eating and manages to call right to the moment...just as I am about to pop that first fork ful into my mouth...lol!!!
And sleeping??? Can you imagine what it's like to live with a schizophrenic son who has a dual diagnosis of OCD going? He has to check every door and windo a dozen times before going to bed himself. This can take hours to do mind you!!!
A nap???? I love them...and right about the time I fall into a REM sleep my lovely daughter is phoning me of her latest saga in her group home. Or my youngest is on my doorstep with a dress shirt in hand. "C'mon Mom...no one can iron a shirt like you can"
See what I mean they are all in it together...desiring to rob me of food and sleep...LOL!!!!
Posted by Kathy on July 11, 2004 10:17 AM