October 10, 2005

The Nightmares Are Back

I'm down to 150mg. Effexor right now, and even reducing it by 75mg a day is already affecting me. I feel the withdrawl effects if I miss the dose by even an hour. On the 225mg., I used to be able to go about 4-6 hours later before I'd feel anything negative. Now, I'm dizzy within about 30-45 minutes of taking it late.

Half the time, I don't even feel like me. Like I'm just sorta drifting through the days. It's oddly like that... stoned sorta feeling you get after taking the first hit, before you're completely high. I feel like I have trouble thinking... talking at times. Like my words are somewhat slurred at times. It's bizzare. I don't remember it being like this the last time I went off the Effexor.

The worst part though, is that the nightmares have started again. I lie awake for hours, petrified of going to sleep. When I finally DO sleep, it's more like I drift off into this semi-conscious, semi-paralyzed state. And then it begins.

I dreamt last night of animal-like creatures surrounding our house. Pete and I were there trying to fight them off... they were attacking the dogs, trying to kill them. And then the strangest part-- I look over towards the garage (for some reason our bed was out on the front lawn... don't ask.. I can't explain why) and one of these creature things was dragging the dead body of a girl into the garage. I'm guessing about 14 yrs. old or so.
I couldn't move. Couldn't breathe.

I could hear Pete calling my name trying to wake me up. But he was so far away and I couldn't reach him. I woke up hyperventilating, and in tears. Ok-- I don't normally cry. Not during the day and not at night. Most of the time-- I don't even dream, and if I do, I don't remember it the next morning, and it doesn't wake me up at night.

It took awhile for Pete to convince me that I was fine. To convince me that the dogs were both fine and that I was safe. I laid awake till well past 2 a.m. trying to fall asleep, but afraid to do so. I forgot what this was like. It's been awhile. I can't take naps druing the day, cause when I do, I get that paralyzed feeling again, and literally feel like there is some other presence in the room. Like someone standing in the corner watching me, but I can't open my eyes and I can't wake up. I get this physical feeling like I'm either a) hovering over the bed, but not really laying on top of it, or b) being pulled off the end of the bed. Literally dragged by my feet. But I can't wake up. How fucked up is that??? I feel crazy even WRITING this down, but it's not like it's a one-time occurrance. It's happened before, on numerous occassions.

So anyhow, I finally drifted off into a fitful sleep, tossing and turning for awhile. I began to hear these hollow sounding voices in my head. Not real loud, not real clear, and not quite enough to make out full words or sentences or anything. But I could swear I heard my name.... and then I started seeing these... flashes of images.... I don't know how to explain it.. places... faces I couldn't identify... and then just the name "Doug" kept repeating over and over. I couldn't wake up. Couldn't breathe once again. Pete woke me up again. The strangest part, is that I don't know anyone named Doug, nor have I been in contact recently with someone named Doug. I'm, half tempted to look in the obituary section of this evening's newspaper to see if there's someone in there with that name. Not that I believe in apparitions of the paranormal or anything like that, but it's definitely a thought that crossed my mind. I can't explain it. I can't explain any of this except that I don't want to fall asleep tonight. I dread every hour that passes. I'm exhausted, but I can't take a nap right now. Thank god I ordered more ephedra on Friday. Should be here in the next few days. It keeps me awake. It keeps me going so I don't have to sleep and I don't have to dream or have these nightmares. If this is from reducing the Effexor, then I've got another month of dizziness and nightmares to get through.

Posted by Wendy on October 10, 2005 12:09 PM


Hallo Wendy,
you´ve got exactly what I have. Worst it gets always when I am very thin or diet, also by full moon. There was a period when I was very thin and had this almost every night. You are not even sleeping yet and already falling into this. You get manipulated by some strange power which lifts you up, pushes you, or you fly up to the ceiling, or through the window. Often you get totally paralyzed or get scared and haunted by sadistic individuals and animals. You hear voices, but often cannot understand what they are saying. Only once I could understand, and I can tell you exactly the sentence. I won´t write it here though /it´s too personal/, I´ll write you more per email if you are interested.

Exactly, Andrea. The strangest part is that in every one of these horrible dreams, I am always in them somehow or another. It's not just some random freaky dream.... there is always some tie to me or my life or people I know. And yet-- I can't wake up. No matter how I try, I am paralyzed. Can't move. I have also experienced the feeling of being 'lifted' off the bed, or of being "pulled" off the end of the bed. In those moments, I would bet money that it's actually happeneing. But I can't force my eyes open to check.... It's only a dream, yes, but it's sooooooo real...
Email me-- I'd like to hear more about your experience....

Posted by: Andrea at October 29, 2005 11:20 AM

I've had several nightmares since i was maybe 9 or 10 and im 25 total about 60+.
It started when my babysitter told me "jokingly" to spank my little brother for crying too much so i did seriously, that night i had a nightmare of the same incident but he turned into this creature ans slammed my head into the corner of the countertop but i cant wake up or move. i got a little used to them now because theres a rush kinda like a butld up or clinax feeling that comes before all of them. i believe its demonic because a devil like creature appeared above the clouds and screamed and laughed at me so out of fear i yelled back at the top of my lungs and i woke up. seconds later i drifted back to sleep and it was pulling me back in so i woke my roomate up and told him to watch me when i fall asleep and tell me what happens but i couldnt fall asleep.

Posted by: Trey at December 3, 2005 10:55 PM

This has happened to me many times. Just before I slip into this state I hear a sharp electric winding tone like a breeze of wind filled with only energy. Its only after then Iam stuck and completely paralyzed in bed unable to wake. A few times my only option to alleviate myself from this abnormality was to wake my girlfriend beside me. Knowing that I cant move to wake her so she can in turn wake me, I make a conscious choice to breathe loud hopeing she will somehow hear me and then bring me back. Its a common theme that happens like this often. Sometimes, if my ability to awake is weak, I will float towards the ceiling, or through my window, until my desire to wake is acutely sharpened by the hands of fear. This phenemonon has been going on for about 15 years or so, and since the onset Ive learned how to "let go." I cant muster up the audacity to tell you how to let go of the fear, thats just ridicolous...but i can tell you with certainty that if you fight your frightning desire to wake, and then "let go" and trust, and fear not the sensation of leaving your body you will find that these episodes will transform from terror to something you accept and look foward to. When it happens again, dont try to fight it, dont try to wake; only trust it and "let go." Let yourself float away to wherever it needs to go. Sounds strange but if you can learn how to enjoy this, you will potentially learn to "let go" in everyday life. You have a gift my friend..... learn how to use it. And forgive my spelling, iam a pilot not a writer. email me sometime..i would love to hear from you

Posted by: aaron at December 28, 2005 12:34 PM

This has happened to me many times. Just before I slip into this state I hear a sharp electric winding tone like a breeze of wind filled with only energy. Its only after then Iam stuck and completely paralyzed in bed unable to wake. A few times my only option to alleviate myself from this abnormality was to wake my girlfriend beside me. Knowing that I cant move to wake her so she can in turn wake me, I make a conscious choice to breathe loud hopeing she will somehow hear me and then bring me back. Its a common theme that happens like this often. Sometimes, if my ability to awake is weak, I will float towards the ceiling, or through my window, until my desire to wake is acutely sharpened by the hands of fear. This phenemonon has been going on for about 15 years or so, and since the onset Ive learned how to "let go." I cant muster up the audacity to tell you how to let go of the fear, thats just ridicolous...but i can tell you with certainty that if you fight your frightning desire to wake, and then "let go" and trust, and fear not the sensation of leaving your body you will find that these episodes will transform from terror to something you accept and look foward to. When it happens again, dont try to fight it, dont try to wake; only trust it and "let go." Let yourself float away to wherever it needs to go. Sounds strange but if you can learn how to enjoy this, you will potentially learn to "let go" in everyday life. You have a gift my friend..... learn how to use it. And forgive my spelling, iam a pilot not a writer. email me sometime..i would love to hear from you

Posted by: aaron at December 28, 2005 12:35 PM

I used to have very vivid dreams when I took the medication effexor.

I used to get so scared because as I drifted off to sleep, I could hear noises, sometimes see things ...etc. One night I had enough!

I went to the computer and started researching. I discovered material on Out of Body Experiences. It taught me not to be afraid of the dreams and techniques to control the dreams and learn to enjoy them. It did not make the dreams go away. I had to stop the medication.

The body needs normal REM sleep.

If you want to keep taking effexor, the dreams will not go away. You might as well learn how to enjoy the ride.

Be brave... try a little experiment.

Check out material by various authors on Out of body experiences, astral projection techniques. They teach you everything from A-Z. I am suprised the medication is legal? We all know how powerful it is!

I't really cool when you take that final step of courage and step out of your body into the Astral World. I can't even begin to tell you all the mystical wonderful things I experienced!

There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Our society doesn't teach us to deal with our dreams. It is a taboo subject. Therefore, since we do not have the skill to deal with vivid lifelike dreams, we get really scared and pull away from it. It is very exhausting!

The ancient peoples, such as the Shaman, induced Out of Body Experiences through chants, drum beats, even taking hallucanogenic herbs.

I would strongly advise people who experience these type of dreams to stay away from violent type movies.

I personally enjoy comedies and heart warming movies, in turn, my dreams are pleasant.

Posted by: Nancy at January 5, 2006 11:09 AM

Yikes, this is my first time having something like that. I had a dream that i was hunting for ghosts, then suddenly, i became half awake. i was trying to open my eyes and i got my right eye to open a little less than half way. i was so scared and trying to wake up! Ive had this a couple times before, but the real thing that scared the crap out of me - i felt a presence. i didnt hear voices or felt like i was moving, but the whole time, i felt like someone was in the room with me. Man, could it be a ghost? im scared right now, goosebumps and all. Now im scared to sleep tonight =/

Posted by: paul saechao at February 2, 2006 10:17 PM

Maybe its because of my sleep pattern? for about a month now, ive been commig home from school, then sleeping at 6 and waking up at 10. then, i do my hwk and sleep at 1-2. could this be a possible reason?

Posted by: paul saechao at February 2, 2006 10:19 PM

Im just a highschool student, but im thinking these dreams are just in our heads. nothing to do with the devil or psychic stuff. Im thinking like, when we dream, our brain uses a certain part of the brain to feel all these senses and stuff. Like the feeling of presence. ive had a dream where i swear someone was in the same room was me!!! but maybe, my brain probably ticked off the part that senses people by accident.

Posted by: paul saechao at February 2, 2006 10:35 PM

Hi, I'm a 14 year old 8th grader. I have those paralyzing sleep, too. But my nightmares are a different story. It's a bit strange to say, but whenever I get those horrible nightmares where I freeze up, my mother says this type of dream happens when your spirit is "weak." To me, it's usually anywhere from 2-3a.m. that this usually happens. These are the hours where my spirit is the most vulnerable. When I wake up and then sleep again, it's only a few second before I am paralyzed once more. I guess my mom's right. You can't really defend yourself mentally when you sleep, but you can if you train yourself. Oh, and I read that being paralyzed in sleep is possibly so that you can't act out what you're actually doing. But after I read your story, it's way worse than me...I would suggest that you get stronger mentally and spiritually, by doing things such as yoga or meditation. Good luck.

Posted by: anonymous at March 30, 2006 2:46 AM

I have had a dream along these lines, yet without the actual dreaming part. I will slip start to slip off to sleep but then at the last second my eyes open and I am stuck. I cannot move and I cannot speak. Breathing is sometimes labored. When I slip completly into this trance, I become terrified because I can hear the TV or music that I left on, and sometimes can even see the screen of the computer or the TV. I have to fight as hard as I can to fall pull myself out of this. It feels like I roll my eyes into the back of my head as hard as I can and I awaken. I have tried to stay in the dream to see what happens, but it hurts to do so. I know you technically can not feel pain, but I feel agonizing pain sometimes in these dreams. I feel that these are due to my mind trying to fall asleep with not enough input or something, because if i leave music on that is somewhat loud I will not have this dream. Anyone with any idea of alternate explanations do share. Thankyou.

Posted by: Tim at September 11, 2006 1:00 AM

Just woke up from a paralyzing dream. I hate when these happen, because it feels like I am being held down to the bed, and since my eyes are open a bit I can somewhat see out into my room. Had about three of these dreams in a row, during the last one I could almost make out the outline of a torso, and possibly dark laughter. Doctors tell me that this is the body in between sleep cycles and your nervous system has shut down your motor skills. I think that's a typical doctor lie. There's something bigger going on here since so many people are having this experience. I suppose being in a combat zone doesn't help this, but if anyone has any advice other than medical on what to do about this, I'd appreciate it. So far the weak spirit theory makes the most sense to me. My 1st sgt also says that 2-3 am is the devils hour, give me a reply, I need to do some lucid dream training so Im not caught off guard again.

Posted by: joe at October 10, 2006 4:09 PM

Hi. I came across your blog when I Googled "out of body" and "Effexor." For most of my adult life, I've had out-of-body experiences while dreaming. I'm not afraid of them, and I really actually enjoy them. I'm on 225 mg of Effexor. If I accidentally skip a day (which happens sometimes), I will have really vivid, awful nightmares that night--and a horrible headache the next day. I will also have flying/out-of-body dreams. It happened last night, in fact. I hope you no longer have really terrifying dreams. Are you completely off the Effexor now?

Posted by: Angela at December 3, 2006 12:45 AM

This phenomenon is scientifically known as sleep paralysis.


Posted by: kz at December 13, 2006 11:17 AM

hi , I'm also having these "dreams". Funny that i'm calling it dreams because it doesn't feel like a dream at all , im certainly awake because my mind is screaming AND I'M CRYING OUT FOR HELP BUT NOTHING HAPPENS , IT STARTED WHEN I MOVED TO THIS PLACE WHERE I LIVE NOW `. how did i find this blog? after a terrifying day , and i say day 'cus i don't dare sleep at night , i woke up and thought I'd do a search in my computer and this popped up i don't REALLY WANT TO GO INTO DETAIL BUT my actual dreams have gotten worse and worse. Please any comments on how to help me with my situation will be greatly appreciated thank you ....


Posted by: GENE at September 10, 2007 8:29 PM

ummmmmm, have any of you heard of lucid dreams? if you pay attention instead of freaking out you can actually control what goes on. Takes some work though it's harder to do when your already afraid. But it can be done, it took me almost 3 years to realize I wasn't being pinned to the bed by demons, lol or falling, floating off my bed. Being drug under or even swear I finally woke up just to do its all over again. Anyway, it fun once you figure it out I just wish I knew sooner!! Good Luck

Posted by: lisa at September 28, 2007 9:39 PM

Almost 2 years ago I use to have the same recurring dream where I couldn't move and someone or something was pinning me down on to the bed I had this same recurring nightmare for about a year and a half. What was also weird was they started when some guy told me about a nightmare he kept having but I didn't give it much thought. There was almost always another presence in the dream and twice I did see it. I could see my bedroom and all my surroundings. Sometimes I had dreams that I was being pinned down and my head or neck was being pushed back, once I felt like I was going to throw up and was scared I would choke or drown it was very horrific...since I have an uncle that died that way a long time ago. What is even stranger about these dreams is that when I did awake I would wake up into another nightmare sometimes 2 or 3 in a row and I couldn't scream I couldn't even whisper I would try to scream and nothing would come out. Another thing I remember is although I always thought I was half asleep half awake I realized one night the time on the clock in my dream was later then the time on my clock wen I was awake so I don't think I really was awake but I really felt that I was. The nightmares suddenly stopped one day and for 2 years I've barely had any nightmares up until a week ago I had the nightmare again where I couldn't move or scream if anyone has anything they might know or an explanation it would be helpful thanks.

Posted by: Ivette at October 13, 2007 12:23 PM

So i've read all of the comments and id like to agree with you all. When i first had these dreams, I knew it was going to happen. I would hear a loud boom sounds, i would open my eyes, and then i wouldn't be able to move my head, breathe, or utter a sound. I just had another dream about 4 min ago and it just happened again only lately i haven't had that "pre" feeling that i normally had before it happens. Tonight was the first time that i actually experienced what felt like my body being lifted off the bed, yet still completely parallel to it, and over onto the floor. With this I still had the problem of breathing, speaking, and moving

Posted by: Jason Sparks at November 25, 2007 9:18 PM

I would like to say that the first move a person needs to make to be victorious over demonic attacks in the night is to repent, and receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Read the bible daily and live it. I have been saved for 38 years and have learned that all power and authority is given to Christians through the name of Jesus. This is what the bible tells us. When I come under attack from demons I speak in my mind to the demons and command them to leave in the name of Jesus, and I say this until they leave. They cannot read our thoughts, but when we speak to them in our minds they do hear this. They always leave. They might come back if you don't remember to say "and don't come back" when you command them to leave. Sometimes they are coming because you have something in your home that gives them the right to be there. Unconfessed sin in your life gives them the right to be there. If you are praying for someones salvation they will pester you because they want you to stop praying. This happened to me for 2 weeks every night,demons came into my bedroom, the person did get saved. We do not have to put up with demons pestering, or trying to scare us. When I come under attack, I can't move or speak and a very strong presence of evil is in the room. If you feel the presence of evil, when you cammand them to leave in the name of Jesus and then all is normal, then you can say that it was demonic and not a physical dream problem. The devil works in the dark and usually late into the night is when I would come under attack. We are in a spiritual warfare so we need to be a spiritual christian, strong in the things of God. If you have demonic dreams that seem very real then I would say you were experiencing a real spiritual warfare in your dreams. The devil wants to intimidate us, scare us, but at the name of Jesus he is defeated and must run the other way. Get rid of anything in your house that shouldn't be there, anoint each room with oil and dedicate it to God, then when you get to the last room, a room with a door, command all demons to leave your house in the name of Jesus. You may need to do this often as people come and go. Break all curses that have been placed on you and break all generational curses. I have experienced heavy spiritual warfare and what I have said here is truth.One last piece of advice. Before you go to sleep ask God to protect your conscious mind, unconscious mind, your dreams, and command all demons to leave your house in the name of Jesus. I also sometimes will ask God to station a angel in my bedroom and outside the house. I have only briefly touched on the subject, but I have shared enough information to help you. God Bless all who read this and apply it to you life. Carol

Posted by: carol at May 3, 2008 5:14 PM

I just quit the effexor my gen. phys. put me on Nov. 07. Since then I have gained 10 lbs., lost motivation, and it didn't stop the hot flashes and insomnia it was supposed to. I started at 37.5, went up to 75, then back down to 37.5. Finally as my blood pressure peaked, my left arm experienced electric numb, and my hot flashes and sweats remained, she said fine go off it. It has been 4 days and I feel better than ever EXCEPT FOR THE NIGHTMARES!!!! I have always been a good dreamer, able to recall most details vividly, however, last night was the worst of my 53 years. The first bad one had me experiencing tsunami waves and drowning. Last night I was positive in my half-awake state that a demon, actually more than one, was pulling my clothes, hair, covers. My hands held the covers down tight but it was a struggle to stay "safe". My hands were "scratched" by invisible catlike claws and teeth. I heard and felt the bed undulating and other furniture moving around the room. I was semi asleep, still being able to hear the jangle of my dog's collar but not able to move. I do believe I actually called out near the end although most of the time I was so terrified I could not scream. I know the exact time - 3AM to 6AM. I woke exhausted with dark circles under my eyes. I fell back asleep again but the next set of dreams was not quite as bad - my horse was attacking and clawing at me with evil in his eyes - something I have never experienced ever. I know I was not really asleep - somewhere in between and have never felt so grateful when I felt "released" and "at peace" and was able to peak my head out and look at the clock. Although I am spiritual, I am not religious, yet repeated the Lord's prayer throughout this ordeal, praying for solace. God - please do not let me go through this again tonight... although my husband will be home tonight so maybe I'll have a witness.

Posted by: Big A at May 18, 2008 2:05 PM

WOW i didnt know so many poeple had the same thing as me, im glad to find out im not crazy.. LOL, but i definately get these dreams, it started when i was 15 i woke up and a demon was staring at me i couldnt scream i couldnt move nothing, i stayed in my bed praying until my mother came in... now im 19 i still get these weird awakenings.. its getting worse now i hear voices and i get lifted off of my bed, the things they say are scary! i dont even want to talk abou8t the last 2 ive had... personally i think its spiritual.. it usually happens while im awake n i start falling asleep and i can feel myself driftin but it just happens and its like im awake and i have no control of my body.. the last time this happened was 2 weeks ago and it was the worse one ive ever experienced ever since then i almost swore i had to b goin insane.. ive gotten over it but it is real and it is crazy.. i woke up but couldnt move my heart was beating so fast i could feel my body in this force that jus couldnt b faught and i stayed paralized i could hear my dog barking and my sister talkin 2 her bf... but they had noooo clue what was happening.. i was awake! i heard sumthing talkin n was shock and it had an accent,,, i was turned over and saw my dead granny saying i just want u tell me sumthing, my granny had an accent and it looked like her but the body didnt... i was in such shock, i havent seen my granny since i was 12.. it kept repeating itself generously as if to tell me dont b scared, i was terrified, i just wanted to get out of my room i screamed Jesus was free'd and i ran to my sisters room and asked her if my dog was barkin and was her and she told me erything i heard jus happened!! its somethin deeper so ppl need to stop taking meds and talk 2 your pastor

Posted by: Bersula at June 30, 2008 1:46 PM

i have read every comment on this page and have experienced most of the stuff said and agree with it it.i dont know what brings about these very disturbing experiences,but are certainly real and are the work of satan the coward!it happened me again tonite and when i tried to open my eyes i could barely just about make out something standing over my bed.it was just this big dark mass and was responsible for my ordeal.theres no doubt these experiences are real,but ive found reading all the other comments has helped me a bit.thanks

Posted by: dave at July 29, 2008 12:54 AM