Emotional Rollercoaster. Wheee!!!! .....Not fun.

What I'm trying to write down probably won't make much sense, as it's difficult to type and hard to connect my thoughts together.
All weekend long things have been very switchy, and all of us are on a huge emotional roller coaster.
Its so strange how you can work and work in therapy, and get over some things. Like get over how come people treated you, and you get set up boundaries with friends and colleagues and your spouse.
And you can figure out that what other people say to you and about you really doesn't matter much, especially when they try to put you down or provoke you. You learn that it says a lot more about them than about you. You learn to shrug it off and get on with your day.
This is all good.
you spend time around your parents.
And years of therapy fly out the window.
And its incredible how in seconds you can feel a quarter inch tall... by something they did say or didn't say, or did or didn't do. Or a look, or a sarcastic comment. Or in my case, a dozen sarcastic comments.
I want to be around my parents when they visit. Some inside don't. Some are afraid. Mae keeps saying "I want mommy--please, I want mommy."
Today has really, really not been a good day at all. After talking to my mom on the phone and holding everything in, I finally just broke down and started crying.
There's just too much. I feel like shit and a quarter in tall. I feel like nobody wants me. I feel like I will never be the good daughter. I feel like a stupid idiot for wanting anything from them in the first place, because I know they will never give it. Yet still I keep hoping, and I'm so stupid for doing so.
And that's just MY feelings. Add in Carolineine, Jo, Mae, Tuck, a few other kids like Claire, and things have been crazy inside for the last few days.
We are not handling it well.
I just wish they wanted me. I just wish they would choose me some time. Choose me over their friends, over drinking, over "driving around and looking at stuff". I just wish I felt like they wanted me. that's all.

Posted by pilgrim | Filed under:


You hit the nail on the head, all right. Nobody can take all the progress we make and turn in to confetti like our parents. I sooo understand.

we too know and understand all to well and are sorry for you to feel the same. ours have now passed on but when they were alive it was always a hope of ours especially from our mother but it never happened. the day after she passed though, we were set free is so many ways.

peace and blessings


There is no pain quite like the pain of parental rejection. I know that song and dance all too well, that clumsy attempt to win their love and approval. I'm sorry you're having a hard time with this. Several years ago I had to end my relationship with my mother, as I finally saw that I could jump through hoops until Doomsday and it wouldn't change a thing. She didn't want me to be ok! Sometimes all we can do is disconnect from those who are toxic. But you may not be ready for that yet, so in the meantime I wish you well. These are hard issues to deal with.

hello mae
tis good ting u b sayin wot u need, to go home to mommy...home not always where they say it is... tis more often in the heart
our bigun had to leave parents and shut the door on them NEVER see them again...
maybe pilgrim one day be strong to do that if she needs to, but tis not your problem
u jus tell her how u feel eh

for me the best day was when i realized that family is not chosen. we inherit them. and because of that it's lucky at best that we will like the people that they already are. usually it works out because they have groomed us to have the same values that they have. but if they didn't, or if our values do not become their values then it is never guaranteed that we will like them and much less that they will like us.

i think that the biggest hurdle for us as adults is to realize that our parents are human. open to frailty and fallibilty just like we are. being a parent doesn't suddenly give them the ability to be a better person just because we need them to be that.

what i found is that if i truely believed in myself, in my values and in the morales that i live by then i have to learn to put their behaviours and attitudes on the same level as any person that i know but don't necessarily want to mirror my life after.

i love my parents but their words have less power then they once did. i weight them along side all new information i receive and accept or dismiss that information based on how it fits into who i am and who i ultimately want to become.

this allows me to have a relationship with them, to love them for who they are but not to let them hurt me with thoughtless, careless words and actions.

I disagree with Jax. As an adult we choose our families and can bring people into our family circle and remove people from our circle as we please. The most important thing is to do the best thing for our emotional and mental health.

I recently told my mother that I wanted no more contact with her. Probably the most difficult thing I have ever done. But she was poison to me and my immediate family. We literally became sick (caught colds, etc.) after every angry, resentful, selfish communication. My mental state (bipolar) is fragile enough without a "family member" who cares so little that she is willing to sabotage it for her own needs.

As adults we are free to add to our family and remove from our family at will. She may still be my mother, but she has been removed from my life until I choose to bring her back in. She, at that time, may choose not to renew our relationship, but that will be her choice.

i think you've misread my post. what i mean be inherited family is our parents, brothers, sisters, aunts & uncles. these people are our relations whether we want them to be or not. there is a biological connection. based on what you wrote we are basically saying the same thing although our methods are slightly different. although i haven't shut my parents off from my life i have taken away their power by putting them in a less powerful place.

for pilgrim my point is that if you aren't ready to shut your parents out completely then maybe figuring out a way to give them less power in your life might be a good compromise.

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