Trying to handle triggers a little better, but....
The craft store today.
I think I’m going to need to stay out of craft stores for a while. They have their fall and Halloween decorations out and its just not good. I had to run into a craft store today to buy a basket. Five minute task. But the baskets are by the Fall stuff. I tried to stay calm and tell myself that there is NOTHING wrong with the fall stuff, they’re even PRETTY decorations. But Mae, inside (AT LEAST SHE KEPT IT INSIDE THIS TIME) kept yelling “I DON’T WANT TO SEE IT!” over and over again. I tried to go touch some of the fall decorations so Mae would see that they’re not going to hurt her. But she was too close by, and wouldn’t let me get my hands close enough, and my hands felt like they were burning. By this time I was shaking and just had to get out of there. Longest five minutes ever. She keeps yelling “I DON’T WANT TO SEE IT!” and my stomach feels like I got kicked.
I wish I could understand why this is so hard to handle.
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