A book on DID, Becoming One
I have been so busy the past few days. I cannot even describe it. Thank goodness its summer.
I am only going to write for a minute though. I got a book in the mail today, and I can't wait to get back to reading it.
Its called Becoming One, by Sarah E. Olson. I ordered it off of Amazon.com last week, and it came in the mail today. I'm only on page 10, but I think this book is so good. Its about a woman who overcomes having D.I.D. I have already posted abut it on my website to recommend it to others to read. I need to hear a story of good news. I need to hear about strength right now.
Today, I'm sick of being this way. Its more like, all of a sudden, I am tired of thinking about it. I am tired of having people in my head. Its been a really rough week. Problems with eating due to flashbacks, I have the feeling that I'm dissociating and missing time more than I realized, and even during good moments one of the little ones will pop out and start to cry just at random. People inside are having problems and I'm trying to handle it all and there's just too much going on.
I'll write more later. Right now I've got to get back to Sarah's amazing book.
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