health diaries

Bioidentical Hormones

A list of the articles on this blog about Bioidentical Hormones.

New Year Update
No hot flashes and no sex drive! So that's the good and the bad news for the new year. It has been awhile since I posted but there really is not much new on the hormone front. I'm still using...

Emerita Pro-Gest Cream
While waiting for the Progestgel to come back into stock I got some Pro-Gest Cream (Emerita). I have used it in the past and liked it. (Similar names but different companies.) The Progestgel arrived a few days ago and is...

I feel lousy! So here we go again. I think I'll try my own thing now for awhile. I got an article in the mail written by Jonathon Wright on natural hormones. I found the same article online and you...

Hormone Replacement News
I got so caught up in the biopsy etc., that I never posted about the test results I got back the day before. DHEA was fine so I'll stay on 5 mg. Testosterone was normal. Cortisol was a little high....

Hannity and Colmes and Suzanne
I had my appointment yesterday due to a cancellation. We spent about an hour going over everything and discussing studies etc. It basically boiled down to the fact that doctors just don't know for sure yet what is best. For...

Bioidentical Hormones
I read the book pretty much cover to cover in two days. Hope!! It basically tells you there are doctors out there that will work with YOU and not just hand out a one size fits all remedy. It's hormone...