September 2, 2005
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on Friday
At last, the end of the week is here. I am officially pooped. Commuting and me do not get on so well... As a result I had an appallingly bad driving lesson today, nearly crashing twice. God bless dual controls...
Oh well, back to my homeland - the city - once more after work. Can't wait. It's Friday so probably will be eating out. A nice treat for the end of the week.
Obsessing a bit about the new house - interesting how anxiety strikes when the defences are down. Convinced it is going to blow up or something. All will be well once I've arrived, housemate R has a calming influence on me. He is delightfully laid back. Leaves the toilet seat up slightly too often though!
P.S. I split up with said love-interest from a couple of months ago. She was wearing me out. Her life was so erratic and unpredictable it took a real toll on my emotional health. I was very reasonable about it and explained she clearly had too much on her plate right now. I just couldn't deal with the inconsistency I had to face. She never seemed to know what she was doing and why from one minute to the rest. When I needed support, she was often too busy to listen. And to be fair, all that most of us want is someone to listen.
Posted by Sleepy Sal on September 2, 2005 8:41 AM