Main » September 2005
September 16, 2005
Chrnoic Fatigue Syndrome and Sleep
I had forgotten how healing sleep can be. By the end of yesterday I was thoroughly exhausted. I had a hot bath and was in bed asleep by 9.30pm.
At 8am I woke up feeling so much better and have had a lovely day.
It's like magic!
Posted by Sleepy Sal at 7:48 AM | Comments (0)
September 14, 2005
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Forgotten for Now...
Well, since I last wrote I have had my driving test, and failed it. I didn't maim anyone you will be pleased to know, I just hit the kerb. Surely that's what kerbs are for – telling you where the road ends!
I haven't been thinking about my health very much, more that of others. My friend's two-year-old daughter has been diagnosed with acute leukaemia which can only be treated with a bone marrow transplant. She hasn't much time, so her family swung into action and got themselves tested. Unfortunately none of them was a match, so today I decided I would see if I could register on the Anthony Nolan bone marrow transplant register. The idea was that even if I can't help little S, I can maybe help someone else in that position. However, it seems that because of my chronic fatigue syndrome I am not eligible. Apparently if you have had an episode or in the last 12 months or a relapse, you can't register. My last relapse was in January, extending to February. I feel so disappointed. I so wanted to do something practical to help.
A friend came to see me last night. She told me how hard the last few months had been and how depressed she's feeling. She reeled off a list of symptoms that fit with clinical depression. I gave her a stern talking to about how she needs to see her GP and get some counselling or medication or something. I don't know whether she will though. I've told her this before.
If I ran the world life would be so much easier...
Posted by Sleepy Sal at 7:59 AM | Comments (0)
September 2, 2005
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on Friday
At last, the end of the week is here. I am officially pooped. Commuting and me do not get on so well... As a result I had an appallingly bad driving lesson today, nearly crashing twice. God bless dual controls...
Oh well, back to my homeland - the city - once more after work. Can't wait. It's Friday so probably will be eating out. A nice treat for the end of the week.
Obsessing a bit about the new house - interesting how anxiety strikes when the defences are down. Convinced it is going to blow up or something. All will be well once I've arrived, housemate R has a calming influence on me. He is delightfully laid back. Leaves the toilet seat up slightly too often though!
P.S. I split up with said love-interest from a couple of months ago. She was wearing me out. Her life was so erratic and unpredictable it took a real toll on my emotional health. I was very reasonable about it and explained she clearly had too much on her plate right now. I just couldn't deal with the inconsistency I had to face. She never seemed to know what she was doing and why from one minute to the rest. When I needed support, she was often too busy to listen. And to be fair, all that most of us want is someone to listen.
Posted by Sleepy Sal at 8:41 AM | Comments (0)