March 16, 2005

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on Press day

Well, since my last posting a lot has happened. Now, I could write about going to a celidh with some chums and not being able to dance because it made me uncomfortably dizzy, or about feeling super-depressed on Monday morning again, however I don't want to. I've had a good today today.

One of the better decisions I've made of late is to change jobs. Newspaper work is very harsh and aggressive. It does not suit me at all - neither do the physical demands. And today, in the paper, there were three jobs that I like the look of. All community-based work. Something to feed my soul - which has come to feel a little hungry at the moment.

So, today I'm smiling.

Posted by Sleepy Sal on March 16, 2005 10:19 AM